calculated meteorological parameters
Ta: Air temperature
Ta min: 10 y minimum (approx.) Ta max: 10 y maximum (approx.)
Ta dmin: Mean daily minimum Ta Ta dmax: Mean daily maximum Ta
RH: Relative humidity
SD: Sunshine duration
RR: Precipitation
RD: Days with precipitation
FF: Wind speed
SD astr : Sunshine duration, astronomic
DD: Wind direction
H_Gh: Irradiation of global radiation horizontal
Group | Symbol | Description |
Parameter | Bh | Direct radiation on horizontal surface |
Bk | Direct radiation on inclined surface | |
Bn | Direct normal radiation (beam) | |
DD | Wind direction | |
Dh | Diffuse radiation (horizontal) | |
Dh hor | Diffuse radiation (horizontal) with raised horizon | |
Dh min | Diffuse radiation on clear days | |
Dk | Diffuse radiation on inclined surface | |
eh | Emissivity horizontal | |
ev | Emissivity vertical | |
FF | Wind speed (10 m above ground) | |
FFE | Wind speed in E direction | |
FFN | Wind speed in N direction | |
FFaE, N, W, S | Wind fraction E, N, W, S (in %) | |
<G> | Average radiation intensity | |
Gh | Global radiation (horizontal) | |
Gh hor | global radiation (horizontal) with raised horizon | |
Gh max (Gc) | Maximum global radiation (on clear days) (horizontal) | |
Gk | Global radiation on inclined surface | |
GvE, N, W, S | Global radiation on vertical surface in E, N, W, and S directions | |
H | Radiation time integral (radiation energy) | |
HDD12/20 | Heating degree days (with critical temperatures 12°C outside, 20°C in- side) | |
Lin | Longwave horizontal radiation impinging (longwave incoming) | |
Lup | Longwave horizontal radiation emitted (longwave outgoing) | |
Lv | Longwave radiation on vertical surface | |
LG | Global illuminance | |
LD | Diffuse illuminance | |
mx | Mixing ratio | |
N | Total cloud cover | |
p | Atmospheric pressure | |
PAR | Photosynthetically active radiation | |
PV | Photovoltaic (installation/production) | |
| r | Albedo, reflection coefficient |
R | Radiation balance | |
Rb | Ratio of direct radiation integral on inclined and horizontal surfaces | |
RD | Days with precipitation ≥ 1.0 mm | |
R-Faktor | Ratio of global radiation integral on inclined and horizontal surfaces | |
RH | Relative humidity | |
RR | Precipitation | |
Ta | Air temperature | |
Td | Dew point temperature | |
Tp | Wet-bulb temperature (psychrometer temperature) | |
Ts | Surface temperature | |
PrecW | Water content of Atmosphere (precipitable water) | |
Surface | b | Surface inclination |
g | Surface azimuth (orientation of surface) | |
Q | Incident angle of radiation on inclined surface | |
rD | Isotropic diffuse view factor | |
rR | Isotropic reflex view factor | |
Sun | ma | Optical air mass |
d | Declination | |
gs | Solar azimuth | |
hs | Solar altitude | |
I0 | Solar constant | |
G0 | Radiation at the upper edge of the atmosphere (Solar constant adjusted to distance earth-sun) | |
Gex | Extraterrestrial solar radiation (horizontal) | |
KT | Clearness index (month) | |
Kt | Clearness index (day) | |
kt | Clearness index (hour) | |
So | Astronomical day (sunshine duration) | |
Sd | Effective sunshine duration | |
ws | Hourly (solar) angle | |
wss | Hourly angles at sunrise and sunset | |
Time | dm | Day of month (1..28/29/30/31) |
dy | Day of year (1..365/366) | |
ET | Time equation | |
GMT | Greenwich mean time (=UTC) | |
h | Hour of day | |
hy | Hour of year | |
IZRM | Internal reference time in min | |
m | Month | |
CET (MEZ) | Central European Time | |
ST | True solar time | |
t | Local time (time of day) | |
ts | Time difference between local time and zonal time | |
tz | Time difference between zonal time and universal time | |
UTC | Universal time coordinated |
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