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California 2020 weather archive

 California 2020 weather archive free download

The archive below contains three reports detailed as follows:

  • Scientific report
  • standard report
  • Ultra violet report

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1- Scientific report

Legend :


Ta:        Air temperature            

Ta min:    10 y minimum (approx.)      Ta max: 10 y maximum (approx.)

Ta dmin:   Mean daily minimum Ta       Ta dmax:Mean daily maximum Ta

RH:     Relative humidity

SD:        Sunshine duration          

RR:     Precipitation

RD:        Days with precipitation    

FF:     Wind speed

SD astr.:  Sunshine duration, astronomic

DD:     Wind direction

Snd:       Snow depth

G_Gh:      Mean irradiance of global radiation horizontal

PAR:    Photosynthetically active radiation

G_Dh:      Mean irradiance of diffuse radiation horizontal

Td     : Dew point temperature

Lin : Longwave horizontal radiation impinging

N    : Total cloud cover

Sd   : Effective sunshine duration

Hs : Solar altitude

TL : Linke turbidity factor

G_Bn : Direct normal radiation (beam)


G_Dc  Diffuse radiation horizontal, clear sky

Gex    : Extraterrestrial solar radiation (horizontal)


Lup : Longwave horizontal radiation emitted

2- Ultra violet report


H_Gh:      Irradiation of global radiation horizontal

G_Dh :     Diffuse radiation (horizontal)

Ta       :     Air temperature

UVAc:      Irradiation of UVA clear sky radiation

UVBc:      Irradiation of UVB clear sky radiation

UVEc:      Irradiation of erythemal UV clear sky radiation

UVA:       Irradiation of  UVA radiation

UVB:       Irradiation of  UVB radiation

UVE:       Irradiation of erythemal UV radiation

UV Index:  UV index (mean daily maximum at clear sky conditions)

UVA diff:  Irradiation of diffuse UVA radiation

 UVB diff: Irradiation of diffuse  UVB radiation

m : Month

dofm : Day of month

dofy :day of year


:Hour of year


:Hour of day

3- Standard report


H_Gh:    Irradiation of global radiation horizontal

H_Dh:    Irradiation of diffuse radiation horizontal

H_Bn:    Irradiation of  beam

Ta:      Air temperature

 Dk   : Diffuse radiation inclined

 Gk   : Global radiation, inclined
